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#Industry News

Application of Aigtek Underwater Acoustic Power Amplifier in Sonar Technology and Its Latest Development

Most underwater acoustic signals work in the high-frequency range, so the theory, experience and design methods of modern high-frequency power amplifiers can be directly applied to the design and debugging of underwater acoustic power amplifier circuits.

Most underwater acoustic signals work in the high-frequency range, so the theory, experience and design methods of modern high-frequency power amplifiers can be directly applied to the design and debugging of underwater acoustic power amplifier circuits. However, due to the great difference between the working conditions in the air medium and the water medium, the differences in components, working frequency, radiation impedance, etc., have led to large differences in the design and debugging of underwater acoustic power amplifiers.

The underwater acoustic signal transmitter is an important part of the active sonar equipment, including the signal source, the underwater acoustic power amplifier, the matching network and the transducer. With the development of modern electronic technology, some battery-powered hydroacoustic equipment such as hydroacoustic buoys, portable hydroacoustic communication equipment, portable underwater detection equipment, etc. have higher and higher requirements for transmitters with high efficiency and broadband.

In order to meet these needs, Aigtek analyzed the transmitter circuit principle from the basic theory and improved the circuit structure; researched the underwater acoustic power amplifier that broadens the transmitter system bandwidth, increases the transmission power and improves the system efficiency. Aigtek Underwater Acoustic Power Amplifier Increasing the output power of the underwater acoustic power amplifier and reducing the working frequency of the sonar is an important way to increase the range of the sonar. With the development of electronic technology, low frequency, long range, low power consumption and high stability have become the development requirements of underwater acoustic detection and communication equipment.

ATA-L8 is an ideal single-channel underwater acoustic power amplifier. The maximum output voltage is 1020Vrms, 1000VA continuous power, 2000VA pulse power, which can drive 0~100% resistive or non-resistive load. The output resistance matching multiple gears is optional, and the customer can adjust it according to the test requirements.

The underwater acoustic power amplifier is used in many fields such as underwater acoustic system testing, transducer drive, electric power scientific experiment, and high-power ultrasound research.

Xi'an Antai Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. (Aigtek) is a leading domestic high-tech company engaged in the research and development of electronic measuring instruments. Focusing on the research and development of underwater acoustic power amplifiers, metering calibration sources, wiring harness testers and other products, breaking the Western technology monopoly and blockade, the products are widely used in the fields of defense, aviation, aerospace and chip research, serving more than 1,000 scientific research institutions around the world. Contribute to global scientific and technological progress.


  • Middle Section of New Keji 6th Road, 雁塔区 Xi'an, Shanxi, China, 710065
  • Aigtek

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