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Zirconia Wire Drawing Rings for Industrial Cable Drawing Machines

Zirconia Wire Drawing Rings for Industrial Cable Drawing Machines

In the dynamic world of the copper wire industry, efficiency and quality are key factors in staying ahead. We understand the importance of equipping your industrial cable drawing machines with the best components. That’s why we’re excited to launch our innovative range of drawing rings made from zirconia ceramic, specifically designed to improve the performance of your cable drawing process.

What are drawing rings? Why are they essential?

Wire drawing rings are a key component in the industrial cable drawing process. The rings guide the cable through the machine, apply tension and gradually reduce its diameter. This results in thinner, stronger cables that are ideal for various industrial and electrical applications. So a good choice of drawing rings can make a difference in both the quality of the end product and the efficiency of the process.


  • Xiamen, Fujian, China
  • Xiamen Innovacera Advanced Materials Co., Ltd

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