#Industry News
Now you can configure, view and download the 3D drawing of our products!
An important news at Airwork!
Now you can view, configure and download Airwork products in over 150 CAD formats.
Airwork has chosen to distribute the 3D CAD models of its products in a digital catalog based on the eCATALOGsolutions technology of CADENAS, a world leader in the field of 3D drawings.
By accessing the Airwork site, the CADENAS PARTcommunity portal or one of the other 97 portals around the world, you can configure exactly the desired product (some including accessories) and download it in one of the 150 native CAD formats, ready to be inserted in any of your projects.
Today we live in a world where speed and availability of information are key points in daily life.
For this reason Airwork, through the creation of an online 3D CAD catalog, has decided to allow Engineers, Designers, Technicians from all over the world to find the product information they are looking for in a simple, fast and free way.
In a few clicks you will be able to configure the product according to the project needs and immediately obtain a visual and three-dimensional feedback of your choice, including all the related information: size, technical operating data, order codes, product data sheet, etc..
The Airwork catalog includes different product families, each of which contains various types and models.
Currently the 3D CAD Catalog includes the following products:
ISO 6432 and ISO 15552 cylinders (standard and stainless steel), ISO 21287 cylinders, compact guided cylinders, rodlocks, guide units, stopper cylinders, rodless cylinders, mounting accessories, electrically operated, manual and pneumatic valves, NAMUR valves and the brand new VH2 series solenoid valve island.
Initially we focused on the most common articles in the field of pneumatic automation, but we are working to insert other products, therefore..
..stay tuned!