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#Industry News

Professional service for earthing systems 4.0

Aplicaciones Tecnológicas S.A. offers professional service for earthing systems 4.0 projects, aimed at engineering and architecture firms. With our technical team of experts and the most advanced IT tools, we undertake any earthing project.

Aplicaciones Tecnológicas S.A. offers professional service for earthing systems 4.0 projects, aimed at engineering and architecture firms. With our technical team of experts and the most advanced IT tools, we undertake any earthing project.

The earthing system is a fundamental part of electrical or industrial facilities. On the one hand, it guarantees the safety of people and equipment against electrical interference, EMC, ESD, malfunction, etc. On the other hand, it allows the correct operation of suppressors and protection elements (mains filters, SPD, shields, lightning arresters, etc.). In this way, the risk of malfunction is reduced and safety is provided in the event of their occurrence.

The correct design and execution of earthing system avoid consequences such as damage to computer servers and data processing centres, failures in switchgear and electrical machines, problems in power and telecommunications systems, risk due to dangerous step and touch voltages, occupational accidents, cost overruns derived from subsequent adjustment, etc.

Another crucial aspect to consider is that the earthing system is buried after its implementation, so further adaptations are always complex. The installation is also subject to different types of adverse electrical, chemical or mechanical factors. These factors cause problems over time, such as corrosion, sudden or gradual deterioration, loss of connection, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to undertake all possible actions to support the efficiency, safety and reliability of the earthing system, and this means starting with a good project.

In Aplicaciones Tecnológicas S.A. we have a technical team of experts and the most advanced software tools to offer our professional service for earthing systems 4.0.

Earthing systems 4.0 projects: service modalities

After the initial evaluation of a project by the technical team, our software tools compare different solutions to the problem, indicating which is the optimal one in terms of cost, technical and functional requirements, etc.

Our earthing systems 4.0 projects include:

Prior geoelectrical study to determine the stratification and resistivity of the ground. At Aplicaciones Tecnológicas S.A. we offer a highly competitive geoelectrical study service.

Designs based on international standards and projected with advanced software to determine the best solution objectively.

Use of anti-theft conductors and specific electrodes according to the particularities of the terrain: corrosion-resistant electrodes for aggressive soils, special electrodes and/or perimeter conductor rings for highly resistive soils, etc.

Durable connections between conductors using Apliweld® Secure + exothermic welding, which keeps them in excellent condition throughout the lifetime of the installation.

Advanced and continuous monitoring system of the state of the earthing points using the Smart Earthing Monitoring System.

Within the earthing systems 4.0 project service, we offer two types of projects: 4.0 projects and 4.0 premium projects.

The 4.0 project service includes the report with the following information:

The layout of the proposed design.

Calculation of the earthing resistance.

Verification of compliance with maximum permitted step and touch voltages.

List of materials and budget.

Smart earthing monitoring system.

In the 4.0 premium project modality, in addition to the information provided in the 4.0 project report, any of the following premium options can be included:

Calculation of short-circuit current to earth.

Lightning strike transient analysis.

Short-circuit transient analysis.

Frequency analysis.

Interaction analysis between earthing networks.

Technical and economical optimisation of the earthing system.

Use of the foundation as a part of the earthing system.

Analysis of the earthing-surge protection interaction.

Evaluation of the down conductor system of a building against lightning strikes.

Smart technology for earthing systems monitoring.

In addition to adequate design and implementation, earthing systems require periodic verification, which is normally required by regulations. Earthing systems are critical systems that can deteriorate over time, failing to perform their function optimally. They could also fall victim to acts of vandalism such as theft of the conductor, endangering people and property.

Aplicaciones Tecnológicas S.A. has developed and patented Smart Earthing Monitoring System, the technological solution for the efficient supervision of earthing systems. Smart Earthing Monitoring System performs centralised monitoring by means of smart sensors distributed in selected control points. Through them, it evaluates the installation at regular and programmable intervals, guaranteeing safety and continuity of service.

Smart Earthing Monitoring System enables periodic regulatory checks, supervision of the degradation of critical systems, detection of acts of vandalism, etc. At the same time, Smart Earthing Monitoring System enables earthing systems to meet the most advanced requirements of Industry 4.0, Smart City projects, Smart Grids projects or digital transformation projects.

In addition, at Aplicaciones Tecnológicas S.A. we develop advanced earthing monitoring projects ad-hoc according to the client’s requirements.

The efficiency, safety and reliability of an earthing system starts with a good project. If you would like more information about the professional services of Aplicaciones Tecnológicas S.A., among which we offer the earthing systems 4.0 project, you can contact our expert team at the following link.

You can also attend any of our earthing webinars by clicking on the link below.


  • Carrer de Nicolau Copèrnic, 4, 46980 Paterna, Valencia, Spain
  • Aplicaciones Tecnológicas