#Product Trends
"worthy sister" of the TRM, ready to enter this technological era made up of electronics, encoders and microchips.
ATTENTION! TR-Elettra does NOT replace, but is an adjunct to the famous mechanical finishing head and clients will be able to choose which version they prefer between the traditional TRM mechanical head and the new TR-Elettra digital head.
TR-Elettra is a finishing head where the radial movement of the toolbearing slide is visualised on a digital display, guaranteeing the operator maximum set up speed and absolute precision of adjustment.
TR-Elettra uses as a coupling system the well known D''Andrea MHD modular system, adaptable and interchangeable on every machine tool with standard couplings.
Precision is very high, thanks to the direct reading of the movement of the toolbearing slide. The resolution of the display is 00,002 (or 2 μm of diametric reading). Very easy to use, a single button
initiates start, reset and millimetres to inches functions.
The radial regulation of the slide is done with a hexagonal key which acts on the mother screw attached to the slide itself. The reading system is fed by a long life lithium battery, the same kind normally used in digital wristwatches. The display will turn off after 30 seconds to preserve its life, guaranteeing that the last value visualised is saved.
The flow of cooling liquid is internal and the rate of protection of the head is IP 67, a very high rate which allows the safe use of the lubricating and cooling liquid.
The TR-Elettra50, which corresponds to the mechanical TRM50 with a working range of Ø 6mm to Ø 108mm, is in stock. For the upcoming EMO in Milan the system will be broadened, with a wider and more complete range. But that''s not all: TR-Elettra50 is also available in kit version, complete with all the necessary accessories for its correct use, a cost-effective and smart solution which the world
market has taken onboard.
In fact, apart from the necessary machine cone, this package contains all the components needed to use the head immediately, with a set of inserts already contained, the kit is ready to use.
A major advantage which, added to ease of use and set up, make the TR-Elettra a truly valid and technologically advanced product for the 21st century.