#Industry News
Coilt tilt
For coil handling
One of Dynalserg's strengths is the development of customer-specific solutions that we implement flexibly, with short reaction times and on-time delivery. With the extraordinary diversity of our products, we always find a convincing way to get things moving.
Recently we have developed a heavy coil turner on a conveying and baling line with many automated functions. First, the turner receives the pallet, by means of an integrated conveyor, holding it by means of an automatic gripper, then it turns it 90º; it is then when it receives and identifies different types and sizes of coils which, in turn, have been transported by means of an AGV. The equipment brings the coil closer to the pallet and automatically centres the pallet to the appropriate size of the identified coil; it is then when the turner turns another 90º and sends the pallet with the coil to the transport line for its subsequent wrapping.