#Industry News
Pallet Transfer Station
Roller lift table for handling two pallets simultaneously
For one of its best customers in the field of logistics integrators, Dynalserg has developed a Pallet Transfer Station ( ETP ) suitable for picking up or delivering two pallets simultaneously. This is why this Roller Lift Table or ETP has been designed to be able to support a load capacity of 3000 daN and thus meet the requirement of being able to lift and transfer two pallets of 1500 kg each at the same time. In addition, the required transfer height of 1500 mm OK Roller, has involved another special design to provide the lifting station with sufficient robustness to ensure the transfer through accurate and precise positioning.
The illustrations show the robustness, quality and construction details of the Dynalserg Pallet Transfer Stations.
With this supply, the wide range of applications of Dynalserg Roller lift tables increases significantly.