#Product Trends
Nuclear safety: a furnace to study the properties of corium
In the framework of research into severe reactor incidents, the nuclear energy directorate (CEA Den) has conducted studies to acquire, at their Cadarache center, a new experimental platform dedicated to the study of corium, a metallic and mineral mixture that forms when the core of a reactor melts.
Concerning the study of corium in relation to pressurized water reactor systems, CEA Den researchers already have the Plinius platform at their disposal. However, they now require the ability to conduct experiments at temperatures of up to 3,000 °C with greater quantities of corium (up to 500 kg) for various systems: pressurized water reactors and sodium-cooled fast reactors.
A furnace that can satisfy these requirements does not currently exist, and building such a furnace will require a high degree of technological innovation based on an induction heating system in a cold hearth equipped with a cooling system compatible with experimental environments.
Consequently, CEA Den has entrusted ECM Technologies with the development of this equipment. ECM will undertake the design studies of the furnace and will build a prototype to verify the suitability of the chosen technologies. The company will also conduct the proof of concept tests.