#Industry News
ENVEA launches its new micro-sensor based mini-station for real-time air quality monitoring
The new Cairnet station has been designed to offer enhanced connectivity and ease of use.
It allows a cost-effective monitoring of dust and gases and gives the user a complete picture of the environmental impact across a broad range of industries and applications, such as odor dispersion monitoring.
The new Cairnet® mini-station is a trademark of ENVEA’s commitment to innovation in terms of micro-sensor technology and ambient air quality monitoring.
Cairnet® features up to 6 Cairsens® micro-sensors inside a waterproof enclosure. It offers real-time, continuous and simultaneous measurement of up to 6 gaseous and particulate parameters among the following: H2S/CH4S, NH3, nmVOC, O3/NO2, NO2, CO, SO2 and PM. The station includes data acquisition of environmental parameters such as temperature, relative humidity and pressure.
Thanks to its Plug & Play design, the automatic detection, linking and configuration of the network (Cairsens® / Cairnet® / Caircloud®) is made without any manual intervention.
An integrated manifold allows a dynamic sampling, while electronic compounds are sealed & protected from moisture and corrosive ambient air.
Cairnet® provides enhanced communication features as frequency and measured data volume adapt automatically to the autonomy of the station. In case of temporary lack of cellular communication service, the risk of data loss is avoided as data saving is continuous (micro SD card) and data push is automated (when cellular signal is retrieved).
Cairnet® mini-stations operate via cellular communication and solar panels with centralized data management in the cloud (Caircloud®).Consequently, the user can geolocate measuring spots on an interactive map. He can also monitor in real-time the Cairsens® sensors’ lifetime, battery charge, power supply status, quality of cellular signal (RSSI) and many other diagnosis parameters of the station.
The Cairsens micro-sensors offer a high precision, low maintenance and power consumption solution for real-time monitoring of a large range of parameters including PM 1, PM 2.5 and PM10 (measuring range of 0 to 1 000 μg/m3).