#Product Trends
Finder introduces the new power supply for OPTA
Finder’s 78 Series dedicated to switching power supplies expands with the specific power supply for OPTA, Finder's first PLR
The Finder catalogue is enriched with a new device specifically for the OPTA range, industrial smart relays (or Programmable Logic Relays) made by the italian company in collaboration with Arduino Pro.
The new power supply Type 78.12….2482 provides a 24 V DC supply voltage, and can handle high inrush currents.
The power supply is also surge protected – from surges attributable to the power grid, overheating, short-circuits, and those generated by other connected devices – ensuring a reliable and durable product.
The new power supply is also suitable for use in SELV (safety extra-low voltage) systems (according to EN 60950).
Important features that have led the product to obtain UL approval, an internationally recognised recognition of conformity to safety and quality standards.
Other technical features:
- 17.5 mm (1 module) x 61 mm deep
- Low (< 0.4 W) stand-by power consumption
- Thermal protection: internal, with Vout shutdown - power OFF to reset
- Short circuit protection: Hiccup (auto-recovery) mode
- Overvoltage protection: Varistor
- Flyback topology
- Compliant with EN 60950-1 and EN 61204-3
- Parallel working for automatic redundancy - with OR diodes
- Dual Polarity and Series connection permissible
- 35 mm rail (EN 60715) mount
Find out more about the product on findernet.com