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#Product Trends

Mercury Issue: Truth, Effects & CEMS Monitoring System

Undoubtedly, the world's economy is growing at an unstoppable pace.

Therefore, there are tons of industries operating worldwide, bringing innovation and technological advancements around the globe every day. However, we must not neglect the fact that the global economy is growing at the expense of the environment. This continuous rise in the use of technology and industrial innovation is causing significant harm to the earth's environment – leading to the global issue of climate change and deteriorating air and water quality.

Mercury & Heavy Metals: Facts and Hurt

Among all the pollutants behind the deteriorating environment, hard metals play a major role – mercury being on top of the list.

Everyone across the globe is exposed to mercury by some means. Whether consuming the pollutant via food, cosmetics, or the air in the surroundings, excessive mercury consumption leads to serious health implications. While the environment is on the brink of destruction, human health is also adversely impacted in the form of insomnia, headaches, memory loss, muscle weakness, and even death in extreme cases.

Recently, Texas has asked for a stronger standard on coal-fired plants after finding their detriment to a whopping extent of people. Following Texas' case is the shattering founding in the Amazon forests, which have captured a high level of atmospheric mercury pollution from artisanal gold mining. Cases like that are ubiquitous. 

Therefore, it has become the need of the hour to monitor environmental pollutants and take measures for their reduction. Noticing the serious situation, FPI has developed the CEMS monitoring system to combat the issue. 

How Can the FPI CEMS Mercury/ Heavy Metal Emission Monitoring System Help?

Accurate and constant monitoring builds a solid background to update the countermeasures, therefore, it is an integral part to ameliorate the situations.

· Monitoring components:

CEMS-2000B Hg consists of a dilution probe, heated sampling line, elemental converter, AFS-2000 mercury analyzer, and calibration unit, making them competitive equipment in measuring element Hg0, ionic Hg2+, and total HgT rapidly and accurately.

· Technology 

FPI CEMS monitoring system uses the cold vapor atomic fluorescence technology that has been integrated with the dilution sampling system. The technology helps the online emission monitoring system to monitor the presence and emission of mercury in multiple forms. The CEMS also helps with the automatic calibration of mercury checks using internal CAL -200 calibration gas generator.

· Features 

The CEMS monitoring system by FPI comes with a handful of incredible features. They include the following:

1.Measure elemental, ionic and total mercury accurately

2.Pneumatic constant temperature from sampling to probe avoids water interference and reduces sample loss

3.The source of calibration uses mercury permeation tube technology with precise temperature and flow control 

· Application 

The two best application areas for FPI's CEMS monitoring system include the following:

* A coal-fired power plant

* Waste incineration

* Industrial boilers

CMES-2000HG have been applied in the power and metallurgical plants in India, Brunei, China and other countries and regions, receiving enthusiastic response.

FPI: Top Manufacturer of Intelligent Equipment

When the world keeps progressing with tons of innovation and technological advancements every day, FPI  is working day and night to design and develop intelligent equipment that can help prevent the adverse impacts of the growing economy and industrial revolution on the world's environment and human health. The company is one of the leading continuous emission monitoring system suppliers.

For more information about FPI and its reliable CEMS monitoring system, feel free to reach out to us:

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  • Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
  • Focused Photonics Inc.