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Laser Cutting Robots: Precision Meets Productivity

How to automate laser cutting?

Laser cutting robots are powerful yet complex manufacturing tools. While they provide quality results for the manufacturers that deploy them, it’s essential to understand where they fit in the cutting robot lineup. By understanding what they are, the different types of laser cutting robots, and a few key concepts to keep in mind before integrating, you can find similar success utilizing robotic laser cutting systems in your facility.

What are Laser Cutting Robots?

Laser cutting robots utilize a high-powered laser to cut materials. The laser generates a strong but focused point of heat to melt away material. Manufacturers program laser cutting robots with the exact cutting path in mind. By following this predefined cutting path, laser robots create the desired shape.

There are several cutting methods available with specific strengths and weaknesses. Furthermore, different robot types offer various benefits for particular applications. Understanding these concepts will help you make the right purchase decision on your automation journey.

What are the Most Common Robot Types Used for Laser Cutting?

The most common robot types used for laser cutting are CNC machines and cartesian or gantry robots. Most suppliers will provide one or the other, but not both. Less common but still powerful is the six-axis robot used for laser cutting. You will often find that one option is optimal for a particular application.

CNC Laser Cutting Machines

Most people associate CNC machines with semi-automated mill and lathe operations. Traditional CNC operation typically involves using a bit or drill to remove material from a blank. However, many OEMs configure laser cutting packages for their CNC machines.

CNC laser machines are quite scalable. Of course, there are options for large-scale industrial applications. However, you will find laser cutting CNC machines down to the hobbyist level. Thanks to the vast range of options available, CNC laser cutters are versatile enough to fit most applications.

CNC laser cutters are best optimized for small to medium-sized cutting applications on flat parts. They will be limited in size. Most CNC cutters are limited to roughly 2×6 meter cutting beds. Larger or more complex part geometries won’t be a good fit for these models.

Cartesian (Gantry) Laser Cutting Robots

Cartesian robots work similarly to CNC laser cutting machines in many ways, and sometimes the line between the two can be blurry! However, these gantry systems excel in the largest applications. While CNC laser cutters will have an upper limit for their available cutting area, OEMs can configure gantry systems to cut parts far larger than CNCs.

Cartesian systems tend to be easier to perform maintenance and part replacement thanks to their open construction. On the other hand, CNC machines tend to be more closed systems, making them harder to maintain without a first-party technician for support. Consequently, this open construction leaves gantry systems open to the environment. This phenomenon makes it crucial to keep up with regular maintenance procedures–especially on the mechanics.

Gantry robots are limited to simple part geometries like CNC laser cutters. Flat materials where cuts only need to occur in two dimensions is the best fit. However, gantries have the capability of handling much larger parts as they aren’t limited in size in the same way as CNC laser cutters. Gantry robots can often be configured to be as large as the task requires when manufacturers request a quote.

Six-Axis Laser Cutting Robots

While a rarer option than the robots mentioned above, six-axis robots have their place in the laser cutting industry. Manufacturers often deploy six-axis robots in applications requiring increased movement flexibility. The six-axis robot’s construction allows it to move in motion paths impossible for CNCs or cartesian robots.

However, manufacturers trade flexibility for precision and reach. While incredibly precise for most applications, six-axis robots can’t attain the same level of precision as the previously mentioned robots. This limitation is significant because manufacturers typically reserve laser cutting for highly-precise tasks. Furthermore, due to their complex construction, six-axis robots don’t scale as well. They simply won’t be able to compete with CNCs or cartesian robots on larger tasks.

Six-axis robots are best deployed in cutting tasks requiring complex motion. This is the case for parts that feature curves or require cuts in three dimensions. Common examples of this include automotive or aerospace parts that are complex by design. Six-axis robots will struggle with larger cutting tasks without the assistance of supplementary mechanics such as robot transfer units.


  • Chengdu, Sichuan, China
  • FUYU Technology