#Industry News
GEDA transport platform at the heart of the Donau-Ries district
A permanent GEDA transport platform is being used for the daily transportation of highly sensitive camera systems in Donauwörth
GEDA GmbH, a German manufacturer of construction and industrial lifts based in Asbach-Bäumenheim, Bavaria, is helping out a company in the neighbouring town of Donauwörth.
Constructive cooperation is paying off
For over 90 years, GEDA GmbH has been the go-to company for ensuring efficient and safe height access with the unparalleled quality that comes with the ‘Made in Germany’ stamp. The same can be said of Telemeter Electronic, a certified sales, development, manufacturing and service company since 1964, located just 10 km away. With its extensive know-how and solution-oriented approach, this international company offers a comprehensive range of electronic and mechatronic components, devices and systems along with many years of experience in a wide variety of applications. It also supplies highly stabilised infrared camera systems that are among the best in the world. Thanks to their high degree of stability and exceptionally long range, these camera systems are ideally suited to reconnaissance and monitoring operations in a whole range of scenarios. Typical areas of application include drones, helicopters and aircraft. Telemeter Electronic provides training in system operation and servicing (maintenance and repair) from its base in Donauwörth.
We have lift-off
But it is not just in the aviation industry where these cameras are flown to dizzying heights, for Telemeter Electronic also requires support in transporting its cameras upwards and downwards. It made obvious sense for GEDA GmbH, a medium-sized construction and industrial lift manufacturer in the neighbouring town, to lend a hand here. Telemeter Electronic requires all cameras that are delivered on a daily basis to its warehouse for repair or maintenance to be transported to the first floor of the company headquarters, where the necessary repair and maintenance work can be carried out. The cameras are then tested, a process that can be performed only at a certain height due to the long range of vision required. The necessary range of vision is best achieved through a window.
Since the total weight can often reach 80 kg, lifting these cameras up to the first floor without assistance would be dangerous and strenuous – all the more important, therefore, to install a permanent transport platform. Due to the limited space available on site, the GEDA 300 ZP P was the ideal solution of choice. Thanks to its compact platform size of just 1.35 m by 0.95 m, the lift can be used to reliably and safely transport materials weighing up to 500 kg – or three people with a combined weight of up to 300 kg. The benefits of the GEDA 300 ZP P are especially evident in confined spaces because its folding platform and compact design mean that it can be deployed virtually anywhere. A lifting speed of up to 12 m/min and lifting height of up to 50 m round off the overall package. This transport platform not only saves a lot of time in day-to-day operations but also protects the health of employees. The highly valuable cameras can be transported from the point of delivery to the first floor safely and without any risk of being damaged. This is child’s play for the transport platform, which not only easily covers the lifting height of around 3.5 m but also offers sufficient load capacity. This permanent installation is cost-effective even when used for low heights such as this, which makes a clear impact when it is in operation every day.
Firmly established products
GEDA transport platforms, which have been on the market for 25 years, have become an integral part of both the permanent and temporary product lines. GEDA’s temporary transport platforms provide a flexible and reliable solution for meeting almost any challenge on construction sites. Every bit as indispensable are the company’s permanent transport platforms, which have been specially designed to meet the needs of multiple industry sectors. As demonstrated by the Telemeter Electronic use case, GEDA’s permanent devices help to convey material and personnel. But even for offshore locations or the cement business, GEDA will have the perfect solution to hand – built to withstand even the toughest environments and conditions.