#White Papers
What are the differences between an eNtry terminal and an eTotem Xtrem?
eNtry vs eTótem XTREM
Córdoba, 27 March. We are currently witnessing a digital transformation of the world in which we live. It is increasingly common to go to a petrol station, a restaurant, a concert, ... and find self-payment terminals, queue management, information, advertising, video security ...
At Grupo EOS Ibérica we have been manufacturing technological solutions for more than 25 years. In our catalogue you can find more than seventy-three different products. Each of our technological solutions has been designed by our industrial engineers to meet the specific needs of each customer, as well as to adapt to the different environments and environmental situations in which our terminals are used or installed.
Rain? humidity? temperatures above 40º? temperatures below freezing? environments where dust or other corrosive substances can enter or affect the terminal or kiosk? At Grupo EOS Ibérica we manufacture outdoor digital kiosks with a high degree of protection against vandalism and the most extreme weather conditions. Specifically, on our website you can find the Outdoor Kiosk series and the Xtrem series, which are perfect for this type of situation.
In this post we will focus on explaining the main differences between these two series. Both have terminals designed and manufactured to be located or installed in outdoor areas, but depending on their applications and atmospheric and/or climatic conditions, one technological solution or another is more suitable.
The main differentiating feature between an eTotem Xtrem and an eNtry is that the eTotem Xtrem is part of a closed series, and the eNtry belongs to an open series. What do we mean when we talk about a closed series or an open series? By closed series, we mean that the Totem eXtrem cannot be integrated with computer components or peripherals such as a QR reader, DNIe or a printer, for example. The maximum that an eXtrem terminal aspires to is to incorporate a webcam. However, the eNtry interactive kiosk can integrate all kinds of peripheral computer components such as an intercom, DNIe reader, QR reader, card reader, contactless ...
This is because the Xtrem totem is designed in detail to be installed and used in extreme conditions and environments. In this type of situation, the fewer openings the digital kiosk has, the better, because this minimises the risk of dust, water or any other foreign substance or material entering through any slot.
Another differentiating aspect between these two terminals is the use of large or small format screens. While the Totem eXtrem only allows the use of large format screens, 32", 43", 49", 55" and 65", both touch and non-touch, the eNtry interactive kiosk can incorporate large and small format screens, making it more ergonomic. It is also available in three versions: eNtryCar, eNtryPie and enTryTruck or double cab.
There are also differences between the most common applications and sectors in which one terminal or the other can be implemented. Xtrem eTotems are usually used as an information point, digital signage, directory or smartcity. Therefore, it is usually a perfect product for sectors such as communication and advertising, tourism, public administrations or in construction or civil works, among others. On the other hand, among the most frequent functionalities of eNtry terminals are access control, queue management, parking or self-payment, among others, and the most suitable sectors for their implementation are agriculture, industry, automobile or fuel.
Although both devices, as we have just seen, are different, the two technological solutions have in common that they are two outdoor devices, both of which can be fitted with air conditioning and/or forced ventilation. In addition, both interactive terminals are vandal-proof and can be customised to adapt them to the customer's corporate image.