#Industry News
Royal Decree 933/2021 and its impact on the tourism sector: the role of interactive terminals.
Technology solutions for autocheck-in
During the first eight months of 2023, more than 57 million tourists have visited the different corners of Spain.
No one can doubt the importance of the tourism sector in the Spanish economy. For this reason, it is essential to have legislation that guarantees public safety in the field of accommodation activities and the rental of motor vehicles without drivers.
With the aim of guaranteeing a comfortable and safe experience for visitors who spend a few days in our country, in 2022 the Congress of Deputies approved Royal Decree 933/2021, of 26 October, which establishes the documentary registration and information obligations of the owners of tourist accommodation or light vehicle rentals.
Royal Decree 933/2021 has marked a significant change in the tourist accommodation sector, requiring owners to collect detailed information on travellers and to keep a digital record of this data for 3 years.
In this post we will explain how the application of this regulation affects the tourism sector, and how technological solutions such as those we design and manufacture at EOS Ibérica Group can facilitate the implementation of this legislation for hoteliers.
Royal Decree 933/2021 and its impact on the tourism sector
Royal Decree 933/2021 establishes new obligations for owners of tourist accommodation and light vehicle rental companies. One of the main new features is the obligation to keep a documentary register of visitors and provide detailed information to the relevant authorities.
Documentary registration: The decree requires owners of tourist accommodation to register their guests and visitors. This includes the collection of personal data, dates of stay and other relevant information. These records must be kept up to date and available to the authorities upon request.
Owner information: In addition, owners of tourist accommodation must provide detailed information about their business such as their tax identification and contact details. By requiring this requirement, the aim is to increase transparency in the sector and to facilitate the supervision of tourism activities.
Interactive terminals for self-service check-in
Compliance with the provisions of Royal Decree 933/2021 will be compulsory as of 1 February 2024 for legal entities or individuals carrying out accommodation activities in Spain. At EOS Ibérica Group we have technological solutions that allow the process of self check-in and access control to be carried out in an agile and automated way, which will help owners of tourist accommodation and car rental companies to comply with the obligations established in this regulation.
Guest check-in: EOS Ibérica's interactive terminals allow visitors to self-check-in quickly and securely. Data is stored accurately and reliably, complying with document registration regulations. This saves time for both owners and visitors, enhancing the tourist experience.
Access control: these EOS Ibérica interactive terminals can be integrated with access control systems, ensuring visitor security. Entry and exit permits can be managed efficiently, and the necessary information is recorded to comply with the obligations of the decree.
Our interactive terminals eControl, eAutoself, or eMural are some of the technological solutions that can make it easier for tourist accommodation owners and car rental companies to carry out these registrations. EOS Ibérica's interactive terminals play an essential role in the implementation of these regulations, facilitating document registration and access control in an efficient way. By investing in these technological solutions, companies can comply with legal obligations and at the same time improve their customers' experience, resulting in a win-win for the tourism sector and visitors.
If you would like to find out more about our interactive terminals and how they can benefit your business, please do not hesitate to contact us.