#Product Trends
Slip Ring for Deep-Water ROV
custom viable to meet your special needs
The growing use of underwater robots for hydrocarbon exploration at ever greater depths means that high-tech rotary joints are ever more important. These must be able to withstand not only extreme conditions such as pressures of up to 300 Bar, but must also reliably transmit high-quality communication channels such as Ethernet and fiber-optical signals. These requirements can only be met by compact, pressure-compensated slip ring systems made of stainless steel.
Slip rings are required to transfer all power, electrical signal and fibre optic signals to/from the ROV. The slip rings which go in the TMS need to work down to thousands of metres underwater and hence require to work whilst filled with compensation oil. Voltages required are usually around 3000 volts at maybe 20 amps per phase for the power. Fibre optics nowadays tends to be all Single Mode.
we use mostly 3 phase 3kV/5-20A (occasionally up to 80A) for power, 1500V/1-2A for instrumentation supply etc., for simpler systems is sometimes used instead of fiber (requiring slip rings to manage some kHz without too much distortion).
1.Power supply 20A
2.200 MHz coax channel
3.Oil-filled for pressure compensation
4.Rugged design intended for harsh environments
5.Can accommodate a variety of wire and cable types
6.custom viable to meet your specific needs
please contact us for your special needs!