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JINPAT Slip Ring for HTC Vive

HTC Vive is a head-mounted display for VR use, which is developed jointly by HTC & Valve. Honored to offer a swivel for the device, JINPAT has designed a slip ring for HTC Vive use.

The HTC Vive slip ring is a capsule part, which transmits electricity, HDMI & USB2.0 signals. Applied to the HTC Vive device, it helps provide an immersive experience for users. JINPAT slip ring for the device supports a 2K HD signal transmission, which is conducive to minimizing the granular sensation of images. Even for a nearsighted person with 400°, a clear and detailed screen is still kept in his sight. Also, HDMI has a digital audio transferring of eight sound channels with 96 kHz or stereo with 192 kHz. It is enough to prop up a 90Hz screen refresh rate. In this way, zero delay of actual experience brings no nausea or vertigo to users.

Bearing a reliable performance, such slip rings are sure to offer a superexcellent experience to users in VR world.


  • Shenzhen, Guangdong, China