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#Product Trends

New Commander ID 300 motor drive

Features specially designed for smart pump management

Commander ID 300, the new integrated motor drive solution for controlling Leroy-Somer IMfinity® motors, provides original responses to the technical problems of pumping, thanks to its on-board intelligence.

The system comprises an integrated pump application that fulfils the main functions required of a pumping application, with pressure regulation (constant / variable-flow pressure). This feature enables the system to manage a main pump and activate up to three support pumps to maintain constant pressure if a high flow rate is required.

Regulation is controlled by means of an external sensor (0-10 V or 4-20 mA) independently powered by the Commander ID 300 and an integrated PID controller.

Commander ID 300 automatically adjusts the pump flow rate according to actual need and manages pump shutdown when required. It can be configured to detect loss of prime and can provide notification of the operating statuses (auto-start, maximum flow, loss of prime, sensor fault, etc.). This function is ready-to-use.

Whatever the pump technology, and whatever the requirement level, regulation type or safety type demanded by the application, Commander ID300 makes it possible to create advanced functions with ease, thanks to an on-board PLC, fast I/O, PT1000 or CTP sensor inputs and a complete software suite.

Commander ID 300 is equipped with a display that can be personalised and provide views of application data in real-time (temperature, volume, flow rate, pressure, etc.).

And for low-speed pump technologies, Commander ID300 can be associated with Leroy-Somer geared motors for adjusting the application torque.

The robust drive system is insensitive to liquid splashes (IP 55 rating) and vibrations (electronics moulded in resin), and supports an ambient temperature of up to 50°C. It is designed to operate in all domains of industry, irrigation, building and the environment.


  • Angoulême, France
  • Leroy-Somer