#Industry News
OCA doubles laundry storage capacity!
Aware of the expertise of OCA's teams in this sector, an industrial laundry recently approached us to increase its capacity for dynamic storage of garments prior to automatic sorting.
The overhead conveyor is an indispensable handling system in industrial laundries. This automated transport system limits manual handling of garments between the various stages of the laundry process. Speed, safety and efficiency - the benefits of overhead conveyors don't stop there. As one of our latest projects demonstrates, overhead conveyors are an essential innovative solution for the dynamic storage of garments prior to automatic sorting.
When storage becomes complicated, laundries turn to OCA
Optimizing production flows is the key to profitability for any laundry. The number of garments to be washed, dried, transported and stored represents a significant constraint on efficient production. Knowing the expertise of OCA's teams in this sector, an industrial laundry recently approached us to increase its capacity for dynamic storage of garments prior to automatic sorting. Our customer expressed the wish to create storage space on two levels and in two separate areas. Specifically, our customer wanted to extend its existing distribution conveyor, so as to feed the new storage conveyors.
Overhead storage by OCA, the key to profitability
The OCA teams are committed to creating tailor-made installations to meet our customers' most exacting requirements. To optimize the storage and routing of garments awaiting sorting, our teams have designed 10 accumulation conveyors that can store a considerable number of garments per linear meter. OCA's tractor cleat technology is shorter than any other on the market. This specific method tightly grips the hangers suspended from the conveyor rails, providing unprecedented dynamic storage capacity. What's more, the OCA system ensures rapid evacuation of hangers for transfer to another conveyor via vertical fingers. This ensures a profitable production flow.
The advantages of OCA overhead storage in a laundry
The OCA rail transport system now offers storage capacity for 650 garments per conveyor, i.e. a total of 6,500 new garments that can be easily transported and sorted! This installation will double our customer's garment storage capacity, all within a limited space. In addition to the above-mentioned benefits, OCA overhead conveyors offer our customer :
- optimization of available space by adapting to constraints (restricted spaces, multi-level configuration). In fact, the 10 new conveyors to be installed are each over 10 meters long, and occupy just 75 m2 of the ceiling height of the laundry in question.
- easier circulation and use of other equipment
- fewer movements and gestures for production operators, preventing RSI (musculoskeletal disorders). Operators are free to concentrate on more value-added tasks.
Our customer is now delighted to be able to improve the quality of its services for the benefit of greater productivity.