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#Product Trends

NEW: spraying machine / concrete by Ocmer co s.r.l.

The OCMER OCM-049 MEDIA is an highly efficient rotor machine for wet & dry sprayed concrete applications, with effective outputs included between two/three and ten/eleven cubic metres/h

Synthesis of forty years of experience of the producer, the machine is endowed with the exclusive Ocmer system to force the exit of the compressed air from the rotor’s chambers, that, together with the hydraulic clamping system of the rotor, guarantee the optimization of the running costs and an high efficiency.The OCMER OCM-049 MEDIA permits to overturn the hopper and extract the rotor by means of two special hydraulic pistons, allowing to a single man to execute the ordinary maintenance operations without effort in a rapid and safe way. The machine find its main field of applications in tunnels’ projects, slopes’ consolidations, channels’ restorations etc. Finally the OCM-049 MEDIA is widely adopted for the pneumatic conveyance of pea-gravel when tunnelling with a TBM. The great machine’s flexibility both in terms of workable mixes and outputs ranges, allows a very wide field of applications.


  • Ocmer co s.r.l.
