#Industry News
PASCHAL involved in Danish urban construction project
About 5 km away from Copenhagen's inner city arouses a new district on an artificial island.
By 2031, Copenhagen's population will have grown by around 118,000 people. For this reason, a new district is being created on an artificial island.
The new island will connect two districts and will offer central parking space. This means that parked cars will gradually vanish from this inner city area.
The project company Kronløbsøen Projekt P/S has initiated the project – it consists of By & Havn, PensionDanmark and Nordkranen, and the development company Nordkranen, who will complete the urban construction project by 2023, with NCC Danmark A/S as general contractor.
Residential buildings will make up most of the artificial island's 9,500 m², and below the waterline will be a multi-level car park. With an area of 33,000 m², this underwater garage will have room for 1,100 vehicles.
For the different construction tasks and structures, the project uses the wall formwork systems LOGO.3, LOGO.pro, the GASS aluminium shoring system, H 20 beams, props, lateral and fall protection, and lift trolleys for easy movement of slab formwork tables.
The complete formwork planning is carried out by PASCHAL-Danmark A/S in consultation with NCC Danmark A/S.
Instead of dredging up sand and building on top of it, the island will have a solid foundation made up of an underwater garage.
The foundation plate of the five-level-deep garage is anchored to the seabed by 724 buoyancy anchors.
1,200 m² of wall formwork LOGO.3 and LOGO.pro was used to form the waterproof reinforced concrete walls. GASS system was used additionally, as beams and legs, and H 20 beams and plywood panels from PASCHAL. The latter were used, among other things, to assemble switching tables with the dimensions 6.00 m x 4.00 m.
Parts of the aluminium shoring system were used both for shoring towers and stair towers. The three lower parking levels have a height of 3.00 m, while the two upper levels are 4.00 m and 9.00 m high, respectively.
After the outer walls of the underwater garage were close to being finished, work commenced on the 80 m long and slightly inclined connecting tunnel. The tunnel connects the garage to Helsinki Street. The wall was broken through to meet the garage on 7 December 2020. 800 m² of wall formwork LOGO.3 has been used, plus, slab props, and beams from PASCHAL to build the tunnel areas.
LOGO.pro and its special features
The innovative LOGO.pro wall formwork system can be anchored on just one side or in the conventional manner. If the formwork anchors need to be set on one side, one person can do this on their own. This reduces both the number of personnel needed and the work time. Standard tension material from the PASCHAL product range is used. This provides greater clarity and helps organisation and logistics on the construction site. The LOGO.pro wall formwork system is also compatible with all of PASCHAL's other formwork systems, as well as with connecting pieces and supplementary products.
High-rise projects covering around 25,000 m²
After completion, the artificial island will provide 24,700 m² of living space and 300 m² of office and commercial space. The high-rises in the new city districts will mostly be made of precast concrete. Parts, props, work platforms and the Secuset lateral protection system from PASCHAL will be used.