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#Product Trends

What is Rack and Pinion?

A circular gear called "Pinion", and the engaged teeth on a linear gear bar called "Rack". Rotational motion applied to the pinion causes the rack to move, thereby translating the rotational motion of the pinion into the linear motion of the rack.

Advantages of PHT Vertex Rack and Pinion:

* High Dynamic Performance.

* High Stabilization.

* Low Mass Moment of Inertia.

* Low Cumulative Error.

* Unlimited Travel Distance.

* Higher Load Capability.

* Flexible for Custom-Made request.

* More Compact, but Less Complex Machine Design.

* Maintenance Free but only requires a few drops of light oil.

* Constant Stiffness over the Complete Travel Length plus Good System Performance.

* Matching or exceeding the performance and accuracy of other electric and mechanical motion system, and are more efficient.

Applications of Rack and Pinion:

* Woodworking Machines.

* High-Speed Metal Cutting Machines.

* Assembly Machines.

* Packaging Machines.

* Gantry.

* Lift Mechanisms.

* X-Y axis tables.

* Guide Mechanisms.

* CNC Routers.

* Pick and Place Robots.

* Material Handling Machines.

* Automation.

* Machine Tools.

* Stir Friction Welding Machines.

* Carbon Fiber Placement Machines.

* Seventh-Axis Robotic Slides.


  • PHT Vertex Precision Components Corporation