#Product Trends
New 0.6X objective enhancing surface topography
Measuring both microstructures and large-area form parameters in one
For bridging the gap between microscopic and macroscopic surface inspections, Polytec has developed the unique 0.6X objective for its surface profilers! For quality control of precision components, optics or microsystems, normally numerous parameters are relevant for uncompromized quality and functionality: for example, the flatness of a sealing surface, the exact step height to an adjacent area - while in compliance with a defined minimum roughness for proper lubrication. With Autofocus and automatic focus tracking, the optical profiler Micro.View+ also offers an automatic turret - now with magnifications of 0.6X (up to 111X), expanding the single field of view (FOV) to 15.53 x 11.71 mm². This means it not only captures roughness, structural details and microtopography with sub-nm resolution, but also measures flatness on larger surfaces faster and more efficiently. With a working distance of 9.2 mm, it offers a measuring point distance of 9.76 µm. Contact Polytec for a free feasibility!