#Industry News
16mm BLDC Motors for Atherectomy Devices
Treating Peripheral Heart Disease Possible with Mini Motors
Maintaining proper blood flow is critical for tissue oxygenation. When blood flow is obstructed, discomfort, loss of limbs and even death can occur. Peripheral artery disease is a circulatory problem where narrowed arteries reduce blood flow to your limbs. This is often caused by a build-up of fatty deposits on artery walls, which must be reduced or removed by a procedure to restore proper blood flow. Orbital and rotational atherectomy procedures cut or grind away calcified plaque to restore blood flow in obstructed vessels. Atherectomy devices utilize different motion approaches for grinding or cutting, but the key requirement is a reliable, high-speed miniature motor.
The focus of the procedure is maximum plaque removal from the arterial walls. As patients will differ in their plaque build-up and artery thickness, the atherectomy device should be designed to accommodate a variety of unique patient requirements. Doctor comfortability when using the device is critical, given the sensitivity of the procedure; the device should also provide the flexibility to adapt to the patient for optimum plaque removal. And of course, all this should be accomplished with zero patient complications.
Portescap's Ultra EC motor family, is well suited for atherectomy devices, especially the High Speed (ECS) motor design. The high speed and torque capability provide advanced power capability in a smaller package. The operation speed ranges allow the device to adapt to the needs of the doctor during the procedure, providing more speed to overcome difficult plaques. The low motor noise and vibration enable optimal device ergonomics while ensuring quiet operation during the procedure. Portescap’s engineering team is able to understand the full design requirements of the device, translating the performance evaluation over various working points into the precise coil and motor length needed.
The 16mm Ultra EC brushless DC motor provides the unparalleled speed and power density required to meet the demanding application requirements of atherectomy devices. Portescap's engineering expertise, customization capabilities, and global manufacturing locations make it the ideal partner for atherectomy device development.!