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#Industry News


"We feel the losses, looking for them in other ways is useless"

It has become commonplace that detecting leaks in a compressed air system can pay off! Who has never seen those signs that indicate the presence of a leak in a system? And then? Well, nothing… because there is no proper action plan. For years, losses were identified and ultimately ignored, due to a lack of time, leadership and, above all, communication between departments.

This task, performed correctly, taking into account "detection and repair", should be a top priority when it is known that leaks "consume" 30 to 40% of the volume of air produced.! Despite this alarming fact, known and proven for years, many maintenance departments hide their heads in the sand, hence the title of this article inspired by the satirical film by Leonardo DI CAPRIO "Don't look up", in which the company prefers to ignore a large-scale scientifically proven problem rather than addressing it in depth. A planned leak location strategy contributes directly to reducing your carbon footprint and saves significant money. So why, it may be asked, is this topic still relevant? Why don't things change easily on the pitch? The answer is directly linked to the lack of cohesion and communication between the different actors and departments: from the technician who surveys, to the manager who quantifies,


  • Boulevard de l'Humanité, 1070 Vorst, Belgium
  • SDT Ultrasound Solutions