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#Industry News

Detecting internal leaks in oil and gas valves is often a critical issue!

Oil & gas valves are widely used equipment in the industry to control the flow of these substances and are employed in many processes, such as exploration, production, transportation, and refining.

The need for efficient storage and transportation is a factor driving the oil and gas valves market. From the place of production to the place of consumption, oil and gas must be transported efficiently.

Environmental preservation is another aspect that drives this market. Gas and oil can be dangerous if not handled properly, as they are combustible. This is why valves are used to regulate the flow of oil and gas and avoid accidents.

It goes without saying that these valves must be properly opened or closed. If they are not, it can result in waste (of energy or pressure), disruption of the flow and potential downtime.


  • Boulevard de l'Humanité, 1070 Vorst, Belgium
  • SDT Ultrasound Solutions