#Product Trends
Fastener Transverse Vibration Test Machine
FPL-200 test machine is designed according to the GB/T10431-2008 and DIN 65151.It can inspect the fastener self-locking characters(the anti-loosening character) under the certain frequency and amplitude transverse dynamic loading. At frist, the test machine will tighten the fastener according to the pretightening force(normal the pretightening force is about 75% yield strength). Then apply for a transverse dynamic loading with the certain frequency and amplitude to do the test. During the whole test, system will record and analyse the axial force variation of the fastener. Through the related diagram, the user can clearly understand the fastener self-locking characters in the vibration condition .
FPL-200 Fasterner Transverse Vibration Test Machine is a professional test machine used on test and analyse the fastener self-locking characters. According to the GB/T10431-2008, FPL-200 test software can edit freely by user. So if the hardware condition can be promised, the test machine can meet many test requirement from all kinds of different standard. FPL-200 can meet the DIN65151 standard also.
The test machine can measure the following parameters:
Axial clamping force
Transverse force
Transverse displacement
Vibration times
Loosening angle(optional function)
Technical specification and performance
Model: FPL-200
Structure: Vertical type
Configuration option: Standard Configuration
Max axial clamping force: 200 kN
Max radial force: 25kN
Screw specification: M6-M16
Measure range of the test force: 4%~100%F.S.
Accuracy of test force value: ±1%
Vibration frequency: 3-15Hz
Transverse displacement : 0-±2 mm
Displacement resolution: 0.001mm
Measure range of the loosening angle: Any angle