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Common control modes of TFT LCD?

Common control modes of TFT LCD?

In the field of LCD nowadays, there are two common control modes of TFT LCD, MCU mode and RGB mode.

The main feature of mcu mode is its cheap price. the standard term for MCU-LCD interface is the 8080 bus standard proposed by Intel. It is a parallel, asynchronous, half-duplex communication protocol, the role of which one is used to expand the external RAM, ROM. the role of the second is the LCD interface data transmission, data bit transfer 8-bit, 9-bit, 16-bit, 18-bit, 24-bit. Of course, as a parallel interface, you can call it DBl (Data Bus interface) data bus interface, microprocessor MPU interface, MCU interface, CPU interface.

The advantage of MCU mode is simple and convenient control, no need for clock and synchronisation signals, direct control through the microcontroller, usually using serial or parallel interfaces, suitable for more complex control logic. The disadvantage is to consume GRAM , so it is generally used for small screen (below 3.8) For MCU interface LCM, its internal chip is called LCD driver. The main function is to transform the data command from the host, so that it is displayed on the screen. This process does not require point, line, frame clock. Due to the characteristics of the MCU interface, it is widely used in embedded systems, home appliances, automotive and other fields.

Another control modes of TFT LCD is rgb mode, this mode is widely used in the LCD industry.RGB Interface

RGB interface, also known as DPl (Displav Pixel Interface) interface, is also a parallel interface, using ordinary synchronisation, clock, signal lines to transmit data.RGB interface is a continuous transmission of the pixel data of the whole screen, itself can be achieved by displaying the data refreshed, display update speed, can be applied to large resolution displays, but also support video and animation, reduce the cost of LCM, the advantage is that you can do large resolution, do not need GRAM data written directly into the screen, the display updates fast, can also support video and animation, reduce the cost of LCM. Reduce the cost of LCM.

RGB mode generally has two interfaces, TTL interface and LVDS interface, TTL interface is commonly used in small-size screen below 12.1 inches, because the interface line, transmission distance is short; LVDS interface is mainly used for more than 8 inches of large-size screen.


  • Guangdong Province, China
  • Shenzhen Golden Margins Co., Ltd.

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