#Industry News
How do industrial capacitive touchscreens fit together?
How do industrial capacitive touchscreens fit together?
In the industrial field, we can see that industrial touch screens are composed of several parts, not a single piece of glass, so how are industrial touch screens bonded together?
One of the common technologies is full bonding, and the touch screen and display screen of the capacitive touch screen are bonded by this process. Through this technology, transparent optical glue (such as OCA glue or OCR glue) is used to fill and remove excess air between the touch screen and the display screen, and firmly bond the two together.
Before the full bonding process, we need to clean and inspect. Use dust-free cloth and detergent to remove dust, fingerprints and stains on the touch screen and display screen to avoid defects during the bonding process. Then check the surface to ensure that there are no scratches or defects on the surface of both.
In a dust-free environment, a professional alignment machine is used to accurately align the touch screen and the display screen, and maintain the same gap so that the glue can penetrate smoothly. When injecting OCA glue or OCR glue, the liquid glue is evenly injected into the display screen and touch screen, and the amount and uniformity of the glue must be controlled, and it is always observed to avoid bubbles.
Place the components in a vacuum laminating device, and remove air through pressure and adsorption to prevent bubbles from affecting the touch screen. When OCR laminating, it is sometimes necessary to completely remove bubbles by subsequent pressurization or high-temperature baking machine heating.
Then perform inspection and cleaning to confirm that the touch screen responds normally, the display is flawless, and there are no bubbles, dust or glue overflow. If there is overflowed glue, wipe the surface to remove excess glue and stains. After this, the touch screen can be tested and assembled into the terminal device.