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#Industry News

JONO C&D Waste Treatment Solution

Construction Renewable Resources Treatment Project

JONO Enviro has entensive experience in C&D waste treatment, and today's case study comes from Wujiang Construction Renewable Resources Treatment Project.

Project Information

Wujiang Construction Renewable Resources Treatment Project is not only a key project in Wujiang District, but also a livelihood project to improve the environment.


It is located in the East of the Taihu Lake Resort, with a total investment of 199.5 million, an area of 29820㎡, and a building area of 16099.39 ㎡.


It consists of a 300000 ton(annual capacity) decoration waste disposal line and a 300000(annual capacity) ton demolition waste disposal line. That is to say, when the project is completed and put into operation, the annual processing capacity will reach 600000 tons.

Project Process

Processing decoration waste includes multi-stage screening, multi-stage air separation, intelligent separation robot, optical separation, aggregate crushing, dedusting spray, dedusting bag.

Process demolition waste includes multi-stage screening, aggregate crushing, dedusting spray, dedusting bag.

Project Outcome

This project can solve the outlet of construction waste in Wujiang District, improve the harmless treatment rate, reduction rate, and resource utilization rate of construction waste, reduce the long-term occupation of limited land resources in the urban area by construction waste, reduce the continuous expansion of land occupation due to the increasing amount of construction waste, and reduce the pollution of space and groundwater resources caused by the stacking of construction waste.

The output:

Aggregates,10-31.5mm /5-10mm/ 0-5mm (for concrete and brick regeneration).

JONO C&D Waste Treatment Solution


  • Jing Ling Lu, Wu Jiang Qu, Su Zhou Shi, China, 215125
  • Suzhou JONO Environmental Technology Co., LTD