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#Industry News

JONO’s C&D Waste Solution

Changshu C&D Waste Treatment Plant Project (First Phrase)

Today’s case study comes from Changshu C&D Waste Treatment Project. The whole construction waste treatment project in Changshu has two phases. This article introduces the first phase of the project, and then we will compare the two phases in the next newsletter. Please don’t miss it.

Project Overview

This project aims to manage the mixed accumulation of construction and decoration waste in Changshu City. The waste site contains complex components, including construction waste, decoration waste, household waste, industrial waste, large waste, garden and greening waste, hazardous waste and etc.. To meet customer needs, we have innovated in terms of project concept, process design, and treatment equipment, achieving the expected results perfectly. The daily processing capacity of the project's Phase I is 2000t/d.

Project Highlights

The Changshu C&D Waste Treatment Project is based on an advanced model for disposing of construction and decoration waste, while also taking into account the specific conditions in China, resulting in many project highlights.

Multi-line Coordinated Processing

This project integrates the decoration waste treatment line, construction waste treatment line, and bulky waste treatment line to carry out targeted coordinated treatment of various types of waste in the pile.

Reduction Priority

The Changshu building and decoration waste treatment project adopts a reduction-based approach with appropriate resource-based support. It selects high-quality building aggregates, metals, and combustible materials, and then extends the matching of end-of-pipe disposal methods such as aggregate deep processing, metal reuse, and combustible material incineration to achieve a greater degree of waste reduction in the mixed pile.

By sorting, crushing, and screening building and decoration waste, it meets the requirements for comprehensive utilization, incineration, and landfill while achieving a comprehensive utilization rate of 70% or more for building and decoration waste.

Reasonable Resource Reuse

The project carries out harmless treatment of accumulated building and decoration waste in the temporary storage area while also conducting reasonable resource regeneration of various sorted products.

The project can process the decoration waste into four categories: ash residue; building aggregate; combustible material; recyclable materials (plastic wood metal).

Construction waste within mixed wastes can be processed into recycled aggregates;

Bulky waste like mattresses and discarded furniture will be crushed,sorted,reduced in volume,and reused.

Different types of waste are handled in different ways to produce recyclable materials that can be reused, maximizing the efficient reuse of resources.

More environmentally friendly

Accompanied by a dust & noise reduction system,it achieves harmless operation under outdoor conditions.

If you are interested in this project, please contact us.

JONO’s C&D Waste Solution


  • Jing Ling Lu, Wu Jiang Qu, Su Zhou Shi, China, 215125
  • Suzhou JONO Environmental Technology Co., LTD

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