#Industry News
What is the Difference Between Metrology and Measurement?
Metrology and Measurement can appear to be very similar, but there are key differences. We wanted to explore them both in more detail:
Measurement is something that appears in our everyday lives – from finding out our height to put on a form, checking the size of a package for shipping, to even using a phone app to measure the size of the room. Measurement simply refers to measuring something!
Measurements might be simple or incredibly complex, but their accuracy helps ensure the object being measured works or performs as it is intended. For example, the tiny components in a mobile phone must be positioned exactly right so that the device can function flawlessly. In a jet engine, component edges need to be the correct shape and size to control material stresses. The panels that make up a car or truck need to fit together neatly, and the doors entirely press the seals to keep us safe. And the tiles in a fusion reactor need to be fitted correctly to contain the plasma!
The progress towards perfection in the amazing products that we see around us and the levels of safety that we now achieve are driven by measurements and the science behind them, the science of the tools, the ways of measuring and using those measurements – this is metrology.
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