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#Product Trends

Ultrasonic Non-contact Level Switch for Chemical Industry - (Crude Oil) A Methanol Chemical Co., Ltd in Heilongjiang

ELL Ultrasonic Non-contact Level Switch Application

The company is located in Boli County, Qitaihe City, Heilongjiang Province. The business scope of the company is mainly methanol production and sales.

In June 2020, there were 16 vertical oil tanks of the company need to be installed with liquid level meters. The company used differential pressure liquid level meters. It needed to install a set of meters with different principle due to the requirements of SIS system. Tanks in this tank farm cannot be drilled, so the traditional level meters could not be the choice. After investigation, the company noticed that DHE’s ultrasonic level switches, which acquired SIL3 certificate in 2007, can be installed without drilling and flame. Finally, in June, the company installed 16 ultrasonic level switches with stable performance and without false alarm until now.

Ultrasonic Non-contact Level Switch for Chemical Industry - (Crude Oil) A Methanol Chemical Co., Ltd in Heilongjiang


  • Qitaihe, Heilongjiang, China
  • DHE