#White Papers
The Ultimate Guide to Building the Perfect Rack Mount Server Case
If you’re building a rack mount server, there are SO MANY options… and it can be very difficult to decide which case is right for you. This guide will help you sort through all the choices and make a decision that is going to be right for your needs… and give your budget a much-needed boost.
Your aluminum case is one of the most important parts of your server. It protects your investment from dust, moisture, heat, and everything else that can go wrong with a server in general and your hard drive(s) specifically. When shopping around for a new case, it's important to know what to look for so you don't get stuck with a subpar option. This guide will walk you through every step of the process so you end up with the perfect case for your needs at a price you can afford.
Know the Rack Mount Server Market
Rack mount servers are those little metal rack enclosure you see attached to the back of a server cabinet. The market for them has been growing at a rate of about 10% per year and is expected to continue to grow at that pace for the next few years. Why? Because many IT managers don’t have the budget to buy new servers every year and rack mount servers are less expensive than buying a new fully built out server and can be added as needed.
Know Your Options
The right rack mount server case is your workhorse when it comes to storage. Whether you’re setting up a small home server or planning for a large datacenter installation, make sure that you purchase the right case. It can be a real lifesaver if you ever need to move it and find out that the server isn’t modular.
Choose the Right Rack Mount Server Case
For servers that will be rack-mounted, choose a case with a sturdy back panel to help prevent damage and give added support to the server. Ensure a good seal between the case and the rack to prevent any noise. Ensure enough space is left for air to pass through the case.
Find the Right PCB Size Chassis
The first and probably the most important consideration when it comes to the case size for your PCB is the size of the CPU you're going to use. Here's the scoop: A larger CPU will almost always lead to better overall performance of your PC, barring something unusual happening on the contrary.
In conclusion, if you decide that you are not happy with your current rack mount server case design, I would suggest that you start off by looking into getting some rack mount server cases. Then, you will be able to see what design will work for you. If you do decide to go with a custom solution, you’ll need to consider what you want your case to look like, as well as how it will be used. There are lots of different options out there, so be sure to take the time to read through all of the options before making your final decision.
If you are looking to build the perfect rack mount server chassis case, this is the guide for you.