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#Product Trends

GreCon Gas Analyser GA 5000

The permitted maximum values for formaldehyde emissions of wood based panels are continually reduced. The demand for low-emission wood based panels below the E1 level has been increasing for years. This is where known and proven methods, such as the perforator, come up against limiting factors. For low-emission boards, there is often no correlation between the values of the chamber method and the perforator values.

The gas analysis with the GreCon GA 5000 supplies reliable values. Furthermore, the toxic solvent toluol, which is expensive to dispose of, is not required.

The gas analysis method is a quick measuring method in which the formaldehyde emissions of wood based panels are measured for a time period of four hours.The measuring procedure complies with the European Standard EN 717-2.

The dual chamber of the GA 5000 allows a quick, simultaneous analysis of two samples.A wood based panel sample is placed in each chamber. Air, which absorbs the emitted formaldehyde, is continuously fed through the pre-heated chamber for a time period of four hours. The air is fed into wash bottles in which the formaldehyde dissolves on water. Finally, the formaldehyde concentration is spectrophotometrically determined by means of the acetylacetone method.

When the trial period ends, a full report is generated, that can be retrieved from the report archives.

The GA 5000 measuring device is supplied as a complete laboratory system, including all necessary accessories. It is operated intuitively via a touch screen display. To ensure correct and repeatable tests, the device uses modern digital components to monitor flow rate, temperature and pressure. These components allow precise display and check of the operating parameters.


  • GreCon