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#Industry News

Reliable in all areas of application

Perfect flavor and fragrance creations at Lothar Streeck

The FRICKE dosing systems of Lothar Streeck GmbH & Co. KG cover all processes from small laboratory batches to the dosing of large components. Since 2003, Streeck has been using FRICKE dosing systems to produce efficiently and consistently in terms of quality. Streeck is convinced by the precision and speed of the FRICKE dosing systems. For the processing of large components, Streeck uses the FRICKE dosing cluster, which supports both manual and automated dosing. Alexander Streeck, owner and managing director, emphasizes satisfaction with FRICKE and plans to continue relying on FRICKE for expanding capacities. The various types of FRICKE systems enable the efficient and consistent automated production of both proven and continuously new product creations. The FRICKE DFL serves as a sample mixing plant, while the Duplex works with two scales. The FRICKE dosing cluster supports the dosing of large components.

Reliable in all areas of application


  • Gewerbepark Meißen 8, 32423 Minden, Germany
  • FRICKE Abfülltechnik GmbH & Co. KG