#Trade Shows & Events
New Giropes corporate website
GIROPES has just introduced their new corporate website, which presents our most comprehensive product catalogue as well as other important aspects.
GIROPES has just introduced their new corporate website, which presents our most comprehensive product catalogue as well as other important aspects related to the company, such as the quality controls that apply to our products, the various industries which use our products and the most outstanding projects that have been completed.
Over the last few years, Giropès has developed its corporate image to become a leading company in the industry. We have designed a new image for our product packaging, catalogues and product presentations, adapting the commercial material to the company’s expansion in terms of size and product lines.
One aspect that was really important to us was to imagine and design a new website that would show all the human effort that goes into each product delivery.
We believe that the new website will be a gateway to the entire catalogue of products and services that we offer.
Some of the new website highlights are:
A modern and very visual design
Full access to catalogue product information
Corporate and project information
Commercial documentation downloads
New corporate and product videos
Newsletter subscription to keep up to date with the latest news
Access to the RMA service with a modern design
The website is growing so its content is updated daily, displaying more products and information about GIROPES.