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#Industry News

The Ways to Make Dried Food

-Sichuan Western Flag Drying Equipment Co., Ltd

Dried Food is a way to preserve foods for longer shelf life. But how to make dried food? Here are some methods.

1. Using food drying equipment

The machines are designed for different food to produce the better quality dried food. Machine parameters such as moisture removal, air speed, temperature, and performance adjustment need to be referenced to the material to be dried, commonly vegetables, fruits, herbs, jerky, and dried meat. In addition, the moisture content of the particular material needs to be referenced. These machines are generally used for commercial and industrial purposes.

If you need a food dryer, you can refer to the products of WesternFlag, which is suitable for drying vegetables, fruits, herbs and many other materials. And, you can choose the heat source of these dryers by yourself according to the specific situation, the general heat source is natural gas, electricity, biomass fuel and steam...

Food dryers have adjustable airflow and temperature controls, which allows the user to fine-tune the level of drying conditions for higher quality results. This also makes it possible to create the most ideal drying conditions for various types of food, from delicate leafy herbs to succulent fruits, starchy vegetables, and meats. The use of these drying machines can greatly improve drying efficiency and increase production, which not only saves time, but also best preserves the nutrients of the food.

2. Drying food by sunshine

This is the oldest and most readily available food drying method. It’s free and does not use other energy.

However, this is not always possible. Many areas have limited daylight hours. Some areas may have sufficient daylight hours, but not enough heat to dry food properly. It is also not possible to accurately predict the duration of sunshine. And nearly impossible to control temperature and humidity to ensure consistent drying conditions. There are so many variables in relying on the sun to dry food that the dried food produced in the end has poor taste or is inedible due to insufficient temperatures for the food to grow mould.

3. Drying food by natural air

It is also a old method to make dried food. The food is hanged and allowed to dry indoors. Screened-in porches or rooms also work for air drying.

This method is unlike sun drying. It does not depend on sunlight or enough heat from the sun. The only concern is humidity. The air should have low humidity. Otherwise, the moisture in the air will promote the growth of mold on food rather than helping it dry out faster.

And both sun-drying and hanging air-drying are limited by site constraints, which can be a challenge if they are used for industrial mass production.

If you need to expand your production of dr products, welcome to contact WesternFlag! We will recommend the most cost-effective solution for you!


  • Deyang, Sichuan, China
  • Sichuan Western Flag Drying Equipment Co., Ltd