#Product Trends
Lead free solenoid valves
Safe drinking water installations
The Drinking Water Directive 98/83/EC defines a maximum lead content of 10 µg/l in drinking water for the European Union. This limit came into force on 01.12.2013.
In the USA the Safe Drinking Water Act came into effect in 2014. Along with the ‘Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act', the ‘Safe Drinking Water Act' limits the lead content to 0.25 % in total for all installation components such as pipes, fittings and fixtures used to convey or dispense drinking water.
Thus, the selection of suitable materials is one of the most important aspects of sustainable and safe drinking water installations. Therefore, lead-containing metal components such as brass should be eliminated to be on the safe side.
The solenoid valve manufacturer A. u. K. Müller have already been using plastic materials in contact with media for years. By using high-performance plastics, both the high mechanical stress on the valve and the strict requirements for components in drinking water applications can be fulfilled. Thus, the installer either from the sanitary, vending or food processing market is not left alone with questions regarding their use with potable water. The variety of servo, cartridge or direct-acting solenoid valves offered, as well as accessories such as strainers, pressure reducing valves, backflow preventers or distribution systems are available as certified versions according to KTW/W270, NSF61, WRAS and ACS.
By applying these distribution systems in combination with the valves it is also possible to implement completely lead-free systems. An example of this is the combination of compact valve series 18.000 with the push fit system FitSys 18 already in used in vending machines.