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#Product Trends

IEF-Werner participates in EU research projects: The critical view at oneself

Furtwangen, 19.05.2015 – In times of unstable lot sizes and fast product cycles, the classic ramp-up, i.e. the start into production, is not only a long and elaborate but also an expensive process. As operators have to install, modify and check their production plants again and again. Thus, flexible and convertible equipment is an important element in the manufacturing of the future. Often companies shut down their equipment and machines after the end of a production cycle, disassemble or scrap them – although they could still be used completely in other applications. This is neither economic, sustainable, nor environment-friendly and resource-saving. Thus, the EU research project ReBORN targets on a safe and fast reuse of machines and equipment of discarded manufacturing lines. This contributes to efficiency increase, facilitates the design process of production plants, improves the ramp-up phases and increases the general production efficiency and flexibility. “But for this, the user needs to know exactly the status of the particular system”, Ulrich Moser, responsible for sales controlling at IEF-Werner, explains. “Besides the information on configuration, especially one thing is crucial: How long is the service-life?”.

IEF-Werner participates in this research project. For this, the Black Forest automation specialists refine their innovative servo press series aiPRESS. Equipped with an intelligent control, at the end of the project time it should be able to characterise itself. This means, it should permanently request its own status and be able to almost adjust itself for a new application. “The system consists of a variety of sub-components such as motors and sensors. All variants together result in approximately 30,000 possibilities to configure the press”, Ulrich Moser explains. IEF-Werner wants to reduce the commissioning for the user from so far several hours to a few minutes. To enable the servo press to largely adjust itself to the particular application, the IEF engineers equip it with a plug and produce function. “The principle is similar to that of an USB interface at a computer, where the connected equipment registers itself directly at the main computer and is able to communicate with it”, Ulrich Moser explains.

Always in the optimal condition

SelSus is the second EU project where IEF-Werner participates in. As a result, production means and systems should be able to monitor their status by themselves and react preventively. Thereby, they are able to maintain their performance during a considerably longer lifetime. Users can detect downtimes at an early stage and plan maintenance works accordingly. As part of this research project, IEF-Werner develops a smart toothed belt axis. In there, sensors are integrated that measure for example the motor current or retrieve the amplifier. The data is transmitted dynamically to the control unit. Therein, also all parameters are deposited such as speed, acceleration or the number of cycles that have to be driven. “With this data we can describe the current status of the axis very precisely at any time”, Ulrich Moser says. Thus, the component permanently monitors and keeps itself always in an optimal condition. But what happens when the axis is overloaded for example? Then the motor current changes. On the display of the control a warning message appears and the responsible employee can respond accordingly. If the component is used in an unmanned production, the fail-safe programme automatically switches itself on: The axis keeps on working, but considerably slower – until the damage is repaired. “With this solution, we meet the coming requirements of the industry“, Ulrich Moser explains. “We considerably improve the sustainability in the production life cycle.”


  • IEF-Werner GmbH